Tuesday, January 5, 2016

What Your Kissing Style Says About Your Relationship!

How often do you kiss your partner? Kissing your loved one every day is important, as it helps to build your relationship and make your love stronger and better. According to the author of the book, "The Science Of Kissing: What Our Lips Are Telling Us", kissing is very important to have a long-term bond with your partner. It helps maintain a good relationship. The author also exclaims that the way you kiss your partner can also define how your relationship is. So, today let's look into the real and hidden meaning behind that kissing style. Couples around the globe have their own way of addressing their love towards each other. Some couples are fond of the butterfly kiss, some adore the nibble kiss and there are some who also cherish the spiderman kiss and think that it is the most romantic one. Now, according to science, each of these kisses have a history behind it and today Boldsky shares with you that very same history behind each kiss. Therefore, if you think you can improve your love life with a whole new kissing style, then this is the article you should be reading. Here are some of the best kissing styles and the science behind what it means to the couple in a relationship, take a look:

1*The Cheek Kiss:

This is one of the most adorable kisses to share with someone you really like. Cheek kisses mean that you are affectionate to your partner and adore that special loved one. If this kiss is still shared in a relationship after many years, it only means that beneath it all, your friendship still is forever.

2* The Closed Mouth Kiss:

The closed mouth kiss is not an intimate one and this kissing style indicates that there is a communication gap between the couple. It also means that there is no emotional contact yet in the relationship.

3* The French Kiss:

This kissing style is all about exploring each other. This kiss also indicates that you want more from the relationship, taking it to the next level.

4*The Spiderman Kiss:

The spiderman kiss is all about creativity and this kissing style actually brings out the comfort between the couple. The spiderman kissing style also means that the two of you love to experiment in the relationship

5* The Nibble Kiss:

This kissing style is all about being feisty. This kiss shows an underlying passion that is often best expressed physically.

6* The Angel Kiss:

If you and your partner love the angel kiss, your relationship is safe and secured. This kissing style only shows that you feel for each other on a whole new beautiful level and your relationship is not just based on sex. Show Thumbnail

7* The Cute Peck:

                              The peck kiss is usually shared between new couples who are testing the waters in their relationship. This kiss definitely can help new couples get to know each other well.

8* The Butterfly Kiss:


One of the best kissing styles that tells a lot about a relationship is the butterfly kiss. This kiss is all about young and inexperienced love. It is one of the cutest kissing styles as well.

Saturday, November 7, 2015

 TOP 9 Scariest Movies Based On Real Life

1.   "The Strangers"
                 The 2008 release of the movie "The Strangers" had many people sleeping with the lights on.

2.   "Jaws"

The story of the 25-foot great white shark that terrorizes a seaside town one summer may seem solidly in the world of fiction--but it's actually true. Peter Benchley based the movie off the 1916 shark attacks on the New Jersey shore. Over a period of 12 days, four people died in five attacks.When anglers killed a seven-foot long great white shark on July 14, they found human remains in his stomach.

3.  "The Conjuring"

Paranormal investigators Ed and Lorraine Warren try to help a couple whose house is haunted in this supernatural thriller.In reality, the Warrens helped with a haunting where a witch named Bathsheba Sherman terrorized a Rhode Island home.She lived there in the nineteenth century and wanted the residents gone from her home.

4.  "Psycho"

Though Norman Bates is a fictional character, the "Psycho" character was inspired by none other than real-life serial killer Ed Gein.Robert Bloch, author of the novel "Psycho" (upon which the Alfred Hitchcock film is based), claims that he didn't actually base his character on Gein, but he found inspiration in the case and years later realized how similar Norman Bates actually was in terms of "overt acts and apparent motivation."

5.  "Open Water"

When two scuba divers are forgotten in shark-infested waters, the story that emerges is both horrifying and heartbreaking. Even more heartbreaking is the fact that the story is true. In 1998, Tom and Eileen Lonergan went to the Great Barrier Reef and then promptly disappeared. A diving company left them behind by mistake, but by the time they realized their error, the couple was gone.

6.   "Black Water"

"Black Water" centers on a family of three who embark on a fishing trip, only to find themselves the ones being hunted. In reality, it was December 3, 2003, when three friends went to ride their bikes on Kangaroo Flat. Tragedy struck when a giant crocodile ate 22-year old Brett. It is a scary fact that these crocodiles have eaten at least a dozen people in the last 20 years.

7.   "The Haunting In Connecticut"

This is your classic "haunted house" story: a young couple moves into a new home that they, of course, got at a bargain. The story itself is compelling, and the fact that it is reportedly true will give you chills. Al and Carmen Snedeker actually lived in a funeral home and experienced a variety of paranormal events, which eventually drew the attention of the Warrens (famed paranormal investigators).

8."Wolf Creek"

There were two men that were the inspiration for this gory tale of torture. The first was Ivan Milat, a man who kidnapped and tortured hitchhikers in the woods. The second man was Bradley John Murdock, who killed and tortured a British tourist. The movie has three backpackers who are tortured and killed in the Wolf Creek National Park

9.  "The Hills Have Eyes"

No one would want to believe that a movie so unsettling could have happened in real life. After all, no one really lives in the hills and feasts on human flesh. Wes Craven based "The Hills Have Eyes" on a tribe of sixteenth century Scottish cave dwellers, who reportedly ate over 1,000 people in 25 years before being put to death.

This Punk Rock Turtle Was Photographed Rocking The Most Fabulous Mohawk

Photographer Chris Van Wyk from Queensland, Australia happened to capture a turtle sporting a fantastic mohawk.

The bright green hairdo is actually algae growing on an endangered Mary River turtle - one of the most unusual reptiles of its type on the planet.

This species of turtle breathes through lung-like structures in its tail. 

Maybe he just wants to be different. He doesn't want to be like every other turtle!

Rock on Mary River turtle. Rock on.